The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

...has come to an end.

With sadness I have witnessed art and originality wither away as attention spans shortened to where a five year old would say "Dude! Focus, will ya?" Symptoms include the 2 Minute Philosopher, the 1 Minute challenge, the 30 in 30, the 5x5... notice a trend? Before long we're down to vids of 10 seconds. TLDW. I have been guilty of indulging the quick fix as well.

Well no more. I am happy and relieved to see a true artist do what he does best. Putting his emotion into his instrument of choice and just fucking rocking it, come hell or high water.

I pimp videos, like, never. So hear me when I say watch this one all the way through. It is an improvised piece of music. Those of you not familiar with the concept, it means it is emotions running straight from the tap through the artists fingers into the instrument. Also improvisations sorta take a little time to set up to get comfy with the instrument and to reach that well of emotions. So for any ADD person who might be reading this (I do realize the irony, writing that in the 3rd paragraph) start playing the vid at about 5:40 and watch the man lift off like it's nobodies business. Starting 8:50 he goes ape shit crazy. You can hear the instrument screaming STOP! and MORE! at the same time. Unbefuckinglievable.

He's probably gonna hate me for doing this. But go ahead and check out 88 Key Diary by Arkian Michael

I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the complexity and unpredictability of improv music.

This video recieves the Adams Badge of Honor for Artistic Brilliance. There you go, Mike, an award that you don't have to pay for ;-)

Views: 210

Comment by ThatGirl on February 4, 2012 at 11:59am

@Syd and Space - first off 3 seconds is just not enough for a streak and if scale was a variable, I wouldn't even be "allowed" to make videos. Oh wait, I can be 5 inches tall or 50 feet tall on video, it's all a matter of "believing"!

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on February 4, 2012 at 9:35pm

ThatGirl- No one said it'd be easy, but that's why it's a throwdown!   :oP

Comment by ThatGirl on February 5, 2012 at 12:08pm

@ Sydalicious - okay then, It's ON...but I submit my request to extend the time to at least 10 seconds and the location must be a very public place.

@ Kumori......LOLOLOLOL, well theres role playing always going on, you just have to catch it when it's happening or it disappears, in a way.


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