Hey everyone.
I'm seeing some problems since last night, when I switched to the new plan.
First of all, from here on in, we're embedding videos instead of uploading them directly to the site. That's the only change.
I'm noticing the settings have changed in a way that makes every page look very small. I can hardly read it! I've got a ticket in for that, but Ning's reporting that it's got four times the tickets that it normally has since switching everyone over on these new plans. IDIOTS!!!!! Just as they force everyone to pay up the wazoo for the same friggin' service, they report that they can't help your site right away.
Michael's stuff has totally disappeared, too.
Please let me know if there's anything else you notice so I can be sure to let Ning know.
Unfortunately, I don't know when they'll get to it but I'll let you know when I hear from them beyond the message-bot that we usually get when filing a ticket.
And Michael, don't despair. We'll get to the bottom of this.
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