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Obama Justice, help understanding.

First off Kirb is still with us.  He has done extremely well, but I the past couple days his lymph nodes in his neck are much larger... I suspect this is a sign that the disease is progressing rapidly.  He still goes on walks, eats vigorously chases hawks out of the yard and tries to be normal around the rest of the pack....  but I know the disease is catching up with him, and this time I don't think I can alleviate some of the discomfort.  We shall see.  He had a very excellent week  up until the day before yesterday.  I am grateful for every day there is a sparkle in his eye and a joy to be alive.


Regarding the title of the blog.

Now, I was just pondering something about a 60 minutes sound byte from the President.   I am not taking any stance or anything, but rather just trying to understand the logic of a logical man.  This is a President that appears to be thoughtful and objective on issues before acting.      At one point he was so concerned about justice he was suggesting that the Guantanamo detainees receive a Civilian Trial.  I know he reversed that recently to Military Trials but left the door open for Civilian trials.  Okay Justice is not as black and white as it seemed to be earlier.   That may just be a sign that more facts presented themselves to the President.   Civilian trials.. then military trials must be done, trials must be done..... Yet he chooses to state that when Osama was shot unarmed in a bedroom (although I hear there was a weapon in the room) that "Justice had been done".   Would that suggest justice for some of the detainees,like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Guantanamo would mean to just open up their cells and shoot them?  I know at one time he pushed for a Civilian Trial in New York for him.   I am just not quite able to resolve the logic here.

Perhaps he is suggesting it was the smart thing to do to shoot Osama..That more than likely would be correct.. Using the term Justice is a poor choice of words?  However, Presidents often have their words carefully crafted.  This just baffles me when I try to figure out how this objectively represents justice in Obama Logic .  It sounds to me like give everyone a trial unless the President says a bullet is more appropriate, and that is Justice.

Views: 65

Comment by photo2010 on May 5, 2011 at 10:58pm
I think I'm trying to say, when dealing with irrational maniacs like bin Laden, I think it is very difficult to come up with rational phrases that are meant to define the event. "He's gone, good riddance"?
Comment by Chig on May 5, 2011 at 11:39pm

Thanks for commenting Kevin.   Again this is not about what happened Saturday.   It is about announcing to the world "Justice has been done."  as if he decides what is Justice in the world for the world.    If only he said it was done in a most prudent, smart  least risky,  decisive manner or what ever  I could understand.  Just don't make yourself look like judge and jury, or dismiss the judicial system with a macho vigilante phrase.   Say this is closure for many, or seems to some of the victims families, or neighbors to be a just end.  Don't call it Justice, especially after portraying and bringing to the forefront your concerns over fair trials and such for even the specific individual at Gitmo who allegedly masterminded and brought to fruition so many terrorists acts in the world using Osama's money unless perhaps the US president is the last word in Judging everyone on the planet.


I could buy that the statement was somewhat said in the heat of the moment, almost.  However it is being repeated in interviews days later.

Comment by Chig on May 5, 2011 at 11:51pm

Kevin, I like "He's gone.  Good riddance".  You can write better presidential speech. Just don't make it seem like you can send a team in anywhere in the world to kill anyone you want and pronounce it "Justice".   That is barely a step up from pronouncing such actions as "the will of God."  


Comment by photo2010 on May 6, 2011 at 2:01am
I agree that the word "justice" was improperly used to describe the event. True justice would have been a jury trial with victims testifying. We already have had occasions where Americans have been dragged out of their homes without judge orders if the NSA wanted it done. We don't want "justice" to be a catch-phrase used against us.
Comment by Marie on May 6, 2011 at 7:37am

Where's Captain Kirk and Bones when you need them? Jim... Jim... You can't kill an unarmed man. Sorry for the levity, but I feel like Debbie Downer these days. =-/ 


Will not having a trial save lives? Probably.  Am I glad he's dead. Yes. Was justice served? No. In the heat of the battle, when the Seal shot Bin Laden, did he know he was unarmed?  Shooting an unarmed man is not justice; it's an execution or the heat of battle. Either way, the swagger leaves me sick.

Comment by DestructiveCriticism on May 6, 2011 at 7:13pm

I'm a late-comer to this discussion but I agree and think the summary execution is wholly inconsistent with Obama's track record of liberaly giving American civil rights to non-Americans.  But it is consistent with his other inconsistencies, such as his campaign platform of bringing home troops, not being "big government" etc.

The sound byte of "justice being served" will no doubt boost his approval ratings, which is not easy to do after 3 yrs of slowed economy.  Folks cut him slack for the first year of his administration... blaming prior presidents and policies, but after a couple more years of record unemployment, its getting more and more difficult for him to blame others for his failures.

Historically, presidents in depressed economies only serve 1 term because the voters are impatient when times are tough.  Obama situation is similar to FDR during the Great Depression... folks are down and out, looking for help and getting frustrated, then something rallies the country together in unity!  Bid Laden being killed obviously isn't as earth shattering as Pearl Harbor being bombed, but the effect on American's is overwhelming positive.  FDR stayed in office for 4 terms and his government assitance programs, along with WW2, ended the Great Depression.  

Of course, unlike Obama, FDR met the Constitutional qualifications to be president... since he was born on U.S. soil (where's that birth certifiate anyways?)  LOL!      Fight The FED!


Good to see u Chig, it's been a long time.

Comment by BlancheNoE on May 7, 2011 at 11:25am
@ DestructiveCriticism- YES, Fight the FED INDEED !  We gave our country away to private banks.
Comment by DestructiveCriticism on May 11, 2011 at 2:08pm

@ BlanchNoE... and when China calls its billion$ in loans to the U.S. due and forecloses... I hope I don't have to learn their languager or culture... and I don't even like RICE!


Oooops, my apologies to Obama and all of his DemLib minions!  The end of every month gets busy at my office and I failed to notice that on April 27, 2011... just a week before my prior post, that Obama's camp released his birth certificate to the public. 

Sure it was almost 2 1/2 yrs after the election, but better late than never.

Never again will I say he's unqualified to be President because of where he was or wasn't born.


Speaking of being qualified to be President... can u imagine the unmitigated arrogance someone must have to be sittin there and say, "Ya know what... the U.S. is a global super power and believed by most American's to be the greatest nation on earth... Hell, I'm qualifed to be in control and run it."

(steppin down from soapbox)

Okay, I'm out.   Peace!!!


Seriously?   To be so full of yourself that ya think you are


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