The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

There's a sweet person named Gina who works for LiveVideo. She has been there a long time. She had a live room today, and the topic was making LV better. She said they want to improve the place and bring people back. i said the people who left don't like the 18+ area, and they also expect to get support from the management. A lot of people agreed, especially about the porn. She asked about Caveman specifically and said they would put his pages back up if he wanted to come baxk. Anyone seen Caveman? She also said they want to fix the tech problems and bring everyone back who left.

Views: 18

Comment by Chig on August 7, 2009 at 9:53am
Anyway I do a test to see if things change... where it counts. I am waiting to see if things change where it counts. If the root of the tree is rotten, then it will not bear sweet fruit.
I do admire those in the group that several of you are in over there (the community one to mend fences with admin which gamer Dave started. That is were it has to start.)
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on August 7, 2009 at 10:02am
Chig- is the test a message to LV admin regarding your channel? Why are you so cloaky about it?
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on August 7, 2009 at 1:26pm
Yeah, Kev, don't take it like anything's directed at you personally. You just gave us a reason to let off some steam, is all.

Sara was another one whose outstanding videos were consistently kept from being front-paged. For some of us, our vids were a hit or miss when it came to being treated fairly, but every BIG production of Sara's was omitted, which started me to wondering about why LV would do that? It was EVERY single one, not just a few. But now I get it. I get why they were doing that. It threatened the Live show popularity or the branding of LiveVideo as being more "live"-oriented if videos got more views.

Is that the ultimate in stupidity, or what?
Comment by photo2010 on August 7, 2009 at 3:06pm
Syd, Thanks for your comments. :) I am aware of many of the things that LV did that drove away the vloggers. In fact it's my opinion that Greenspan was hoping that some other video hosting site, (YT?) would see the live shows as a potential add-on and buy him out for a few billion. I'm not fooled into thinking he is out for anyone but himself. I do like Gina and consider her a friend, but obviously if LV goes down, she's out of a job, so they are scrambling to get viewers now.

I look at the internet in general as a microcosm (macrocosm?) of all things good and bad and lots of stuff in-between, much like life. I pull out of LV the good I can find for myself. I have been attacked by haters there and had my fair share of bad stuff happen. More than once I started pulling my pages down in anger of what was happening to me and to my friends there. But I still DO have friends there, and just try to avoid drama.

I appreciate that people are letting off steam. I'm not asking anyone to do anything. Just sharing info. The Ark is my online home now. :)
Comment by photo2010 on August 7, 2009 at 3:17pm
@Sara, What they did to you was rotten and inexcusable. I fully understand your feelings about the place.
Comment by Chig on August 7, 2009 at 9:47pm
@Syd. I think I am not cloaky in that I have engaged in the conversation here.

P.S. What is a front page, or feature? :-P


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