The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...


'm bored... Slow night.... Checked out the wreckroom... Apparently I'm brilliant, although the Bejeweled gods might disagree. So might blinky the ghost....

I have developed a theory as to what Hell might be like gamers (not that I'm dissin' on teh gamerz, but I'm bored and my mind wanders):

You spend all eternity playing bejeweled while a demon stands literally over your shoulder watching your progress like a hawk. If you run out of moves, you are dragged away, mauled severely, and then reconstituted back in front of the monitor with a new game just starting... And you don't even get that funky-cool new-age music a-la Bejeweled 2, just a screen with a little tiny window playing basic Bejeweled part 1 for all eternity. *shivers*

This will not be my fate, however. I reached my gaming peak with Megaman on the old NES system in the early 90's. No, I fear my stint in the underworld will involve being strapped to a chair with my eyes pried open being forced to watch Ewe Boll movies for a couple eons. (if you didn't get the humor behind that do an IMDB search on Ewe Boll... you'll get it)

Needless to say I'd better resolve to change my sinful ways soon.

That brings me to the wonderful subject of New Years resolutions... This year I resolve to make one.... Seriously.

That's not to say I don't need to change a few things in my life. The list gets longer every day. It's just that the main things I need to change is that I'm lazy and I procrastinate. See what I mean? I'll get to it eventually.

Maybe I should resolve to stop recycling lame, played out jokes.... Naawww...

How you guys doin?

As I write this I see MOTC is online.... Quit doggin' me, dude... Sheesh...

Blinky's prolly laughin at me right now... I'm gonna go kick his little ghost ass...

Views: 13

Comment by PrincessEricasWorld on January 6, 2009 at 6:04am
i rule at mario 3 cause i rock your face...
Comment by Buliwif on January 7, 2009 at 4:43pm
You haven't spent a holiday with my family all gathered in one place... Trust me, Hell is real...


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