The Ark

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Buliwif's Blog (4)

I haven't blogged in a Centon!

If you know what a Centon is you are as big a geek as me :D

Well, I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I'd update everyone... I'm not dead and I haven't ignored MOTC's tag... I've taped my BSG lyrics tag vid and all I have left to do is edit and upload... (yes, I said taped- I'm doin something a little bit different with my tag... muahahaha...)

Apart from that I don't have much to say, so I'll end it here... short and sweet...

Anyone for a rousing game of… Continue

Added by Buliwif on February 7, 2009 at 4:36am — 1 Comment


Howdy everyone, Buliwif here with more nonsense to think about.

So the other day the Shadow posted a blog about paradoxes of humanity. This got me thinking about a large human paradox that has always fascinated me.... The paradox called human "civilization"

Wiktionary defines "Civilization" as 1 - Human society, or the system of society whose facilities are understood. 2 - The act or process of civilizing or becoming civilized. 3 - The state or quality of being… Continue

Added by Buliwif on January 9, 2009 at 7:46pm — 1 Comment



'm bored... Slow night.... Checked out the wreckroom... Apparently I'm brilliant, although the Bejeweled gods might disagree. So might blinky the ghost....

I have developed a theory as to what Hell might be like gamers (not that I'm dissin' on teh gamerz, but I'm bored and my mind wanders):

You spend all eternity playing bejeweled while a demon stands literally over your shoulder watching your progress like a hawk. If you run out of… Continue

Added by Buliwif on January 6, 2009 at 5:09am — 2 Comments


I have absolutely NO subject for this blog at all whatsoever. There is no reason for me to be typing this at the moment as I have nothing to say, and likewise there is no reason for you to be here reading this blog which, as I stated earlier, has no subject to it at all.... None. Nein.... Nada.....

And yet I am still typing. Why do you think that is? Seems I just can't stop these ol' finners from tapping away at this keyboard.... Freaky....

Maybe it's a nervous reaction to… Continue

Added by Buliwif on January 4, 2009 at 2:34am — 2 Comments

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