The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Howdy Folks

Greetings from Not Europe

Just so their are no misunderstandings,...

    Judging from personal experience I will venture to say BlancheNoE has overcome the worst of it. 

But why I’m actually back at he keyboard,...

  Not only to thank you Arkians and Vloggerheaders for your kind comments, thoughts and wishes, (she is worth it, but I may be a bit biased)

    We are both extremely grateful and thankful beyond expression for the competent Doctors, the dedicated nurses, the reassuring specialists, the professionalism of the techs and transporters, the smiling faces bringing the food, the humor of the night-watch gatekeeper and the gentleman who polishes the bronze railings round the lobby, the tireless men and women that keep the paper towel dispensers filled. Thank you also to countless hundreds who are not mentioned solely due to the lateness of the hour and multitude of tasks yet before me. They do not go unnoticed. 

Views: 205

Comment by flophousepoodle on December 17, 2011 at 4:50pm

Joyful  <3

Comment by Victoria on December 18, 2011 at 12:38am

Tree sends her wishes and Liz too . . .

Comment by S.A. Murray on December 19, 2011 at 4:02pm

Keeping ones wits is key.. stay positive.. sounds like the worst is over :)


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