The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

I haven't heard much mention of the sorry state of the economy on socnet sites, but I know it's affecting countless people, so I thought I'd bring it up for discussion. For me personally, I generally try to rise above the ups and downs of finance and commerce, but the recent ones are hard to avoid. I'm feeling the stress of it in my work life, my budget, and even my marriage. My wife is dealing with very powerful fears about losing her business and ending up on the street. I'm much more optimistic than she, so the difference in our outlooks is causing some tension. But we've managed to reach some middle ground regarding preparing ourselves for hard times, so that's good. I'd like to know how all of you are faring in this economic downturn.

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Hamburger Helper? The way things are going, Maureen, we may be resorting to Rice Helper before too long. ;)

Fortunately, my wife's business still has plenty of life in it, so I'm hoping for the best. I have a vested interest in her success, not just because I'm married to her, but because I'm also one of her employees. :b
" It's not the money,'s the stuuuuff." -Bernadette Peters in The Jerk.
,..but yeah, I'm with you on that.
I've always felt the way you do about cash and belongings, Doug. I went through some financial hard times when I was younger, and I survived okay. However, now that I'm 58, and I have to provide for my son's college education as well as my old age, I can't quite go down to bare bones anymore without feeling a little reckless.
I agree, thanks, Doug. Besides, we're all in this together, right? ;)

I'm glad to hear that things are improving for you, Suz. I think everyone's going to come out of this recession one day, and perhaps be stronger and more resilient as a result.
Suze, you are very lucky to have a sister and and brother-in-law to stay with. I have family members that have made it clear they don't want me or my Mother near them should things get that bad. I know it wasn't easy for you to give up your place..but it's nice knowing you have family to depend on.
was lucky enough to be working in a health care facility..and we are not affected that much..I mean directly..BUT there is this WEIRD rumors going around our hospital that they (Dubai Health Authority) are going to DECREASE our salaries 20% from what we are getting now..which is SCARY!..and its because of the GLOBAL CRISIS they say..
I hope it's just a rumor, Ferdz; that's a big pay cut. I'm glad you still have your job, though. I'm going to be looking for part-time work fairly soon to supplement our income, but it's a tough world out there for job hunters; the US is experiencing 8.5% unemployment at the moment.
well I just think Im damn lucky to have a job. As a family we eat out less often. As a rule our routine has been the same. My sweethearts has made it through 4 lay offs at his company. Thank goodness. He did have to change shifts. That part sucked! Its scares me, gonna just admit it. I have been scared before, and I survived so that is always the plan. Survive and have the most fun I can doing it. Not to fret and borrow worry if at all possible. Day by day. Breaks out in song *Day by day,day by day, oh dear lord three things I pray.. Come on now sing along I know you all know this one. Anyway. Including a link from todays emails. I hope you all enjoy it
bunnies rule
Despite how hard it is right now, my wife and I have taken in a couple teens that would have wound up on the streets. One is 19 the other 18, as they are out of High School we require that they at least hold a part-time job and attend vocational or degree seeking classes. They help with the bills and we help them prepair for the future. In 25 years together this will make a total of 6 kids that we have helped this way. It ain't easy but what else could we do?
i'm just wondering how many companies aren't necessarily in dire straits, but are using the downturn to lay more work on fewer employees just so the upper echelon doesn't have to change their lifestyles. Because of my experiences with a wealthy organization who dumped as much work as possible on the fewest workers possible, (during the prosperous Clinton years), I don't think I buy all the cutting going on.


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