@ Space - Spoken like a true Cathar ! ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathar ),...you might be right.
@ Nobodyschild - I am SO with you, and right after we find LtAdam's ass, can we puh-LEASE put the " how much wood would a wood chuck chuck ,.." thing to bed once and for all ?,..it's been killing me,..OH , and then the KFC recipe thing,..Doug (MOTC) will turn over his 401k and his car for that,..and we need financing for our research,..and wheels that aren't registered in either of our names.
an educated hypothecy with my morning Taurine! I always say I think I'm going to die young in a freak accident. This makes people think I have a deathwish. That would be absurd, such is life. Good to see your big ol face!
@ Christine - knock on wood, throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder, say 7 hail Marys and wear a garlic necklace just in case. I suppose you might be the first to survive it,..anything's possible, right?
@ Kat.Ballou - I was supposed to die at birth, then at 28 years, then at 42 years,...*shrugs*
I guess I'm invincible,...* chunk of frozen human feces from airplane falls from sky smashing my head *,...ow. (mmmWAH !)
@ MOTC - aw COME on,...at least let us borrow the car for the weekend at least,..and are you gonna' eat that wing ?
@ OneSmallVoice - Touche'. Please keep a lid on it until my findings are published,...then I can get some more publicity with the retraction. I'll send you a nice basket of beauty products if you play along.
@ Jeffrey - JEFFREY !!!,..aww,..can't think of any funny stuff,..just SO happy to see you and Sammo. Thanks for making my day. A big smacky kiss and a hug to you both,..slightly more gently with Sammo,...'cause I know the power of the beak. I hope you are having a wonderful summer.
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