HA !,...I find it quite interesting that I graduated in 1941, and THEN was born in 1973.
DAMN I'm good,...and apparently as prolific as I am time-shifty.
Oh well,..I guess the secret of the mysterious disappearance of the settlers at Roanoke ( Va.) is out.
EEEEEEEEheheheheheheheheh < (witchy laughter),..now if you'll excuse me, I gotta' go f*ck with Sarah Palin's head.
Oh yeah,..and WHERE THE HELL WERE you guys?,...I woulda' showed at your funeral.
THANK you Suz. I will only haunt you in a nice way,..you know,..like leave a 300 year old coin on your kitchen counter,..everyone else (except Alisha) gets bleeding, moldy wall ooze.
@ photo2010.
I see. Well then, you leave me no choice. It is my duty to make your lamps flicker and to blur your photos with orbs. It's not that I really liked the Hatfields better,..in fact they always smelled funny,..but you know,..loyalty and shit. They kept me in fresh eggs, fertilizer and pig meat. I wonder what they fed those pigs. Hmmm,..better go check on my ex skin suit.
Hmm, I was stinkin, I mean thinkn'..if i wears my Batman suit, I can go and nobody'll be the wiser, specially if I share the moonshine. Ok, I got my plan.
Thanks Dunleavy, no ooze for you,.. and I'll see what I can do about those lotto numbers,..
,..and a647487 ?, you will find that your computer has been magically endowed with auto-play
Anyone with a mom named Sena Rowe Stumbo has got to be all right, haha. I did a double take, though, when I read Blanche was 85 and born in 1973. I mean, Jeezus, that would make me 108!
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