The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

..after I wrote to President Obama to remind him about his promise for more funding
for stem cell research, I wake up to:

I thought I was dreaming. You see..I have a spinal cord injury, (dx'd as Transverse Myelitis, without going into great detail). I haven't had a day without pain and numbness since 1988, that's 20+ years. I still may not live to see a treatment come from this research that will help me..but it's starting. There are other countries already treating people with stem cells, with some apparent success. I still feel safer with the testing procedures in the U.S. to find out if it's safe. One of the biggest problems have been benign tumor formation. Also rejection. We are a long way from having Dr. McCoy from Star Trek wave his wand over where it hurts and fixing the boo-boo. BUT IT'S A FREAKIN' START. Final word, (for now), there was a Senator during the Bush administration who was against embryonic stem cell research, UNTIL HE GOT CANCER, then he changed his tune.

Walk a mile in my shoes my friends..if only I could.

Views: 6

Comment by photo2010 on January 23, 2009 at 10:35pm
Just wanted to was stated on the news that President Obama had nothing to do with today's FDA stem cell decision. However, IMO, it would have been unlikely to happen during the last administration, or heads would have rolled. The politics of fear.
Comment by JoAnn on January 24, 2009 at 12:29am
I'm so glad you went ahead and wrote to our new President. I think stem cell research will make great advances in this country now that Obama is in charge.
Comment by photo2010 on January 24, 2009 at 1:31am
Thank you JoAnn, and i agree with you.


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