The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Tomorrow I fly out of Manchester on a thirteen and half hour long journey to the USA. When I arrive my new employers have told me to get the bus to a travel inn that has been booked nearby (that is the limit of the information. Seriously. The name of the hotel and the fact that a bus is the way to get there.)

The following day me and my two compatriots (who I haven't yet met) meet with the boss and get the keys to two cars then drive three hours up two states, get to our two bedroom apartment and finally go and meet the clubs officials and coaches.

The following night the club have booked all three British coaches onto a three day coaching course which is more basic than any of us have done for years. Each one of us a fairly highly qualified coach, trained and assessed by the Football Association of England. Quite why a club pays for three pro coaches then asks that they attend a basic caching course is beyond me. It also raises a few red flags in my mind.

Here's where I'm pretty P.O'd though. Three coaches, two cars. Three coaches, two bedrooms. Three coaches, one hotel room, two beds. None of this has been told to me by my employers or the new club (apart from the car bit). Instead I had to find all this out via last minute phone calls and internet research.

Is it just me being unreasonable? Am I wrong to expect not to have to share a bedroom with a stranger for the next eight months? Am I out of order to expect a better arrival than "get on a bus" and share A BED with a stranger. A bloke at that!

I am so not looking forward to leaving tomorrow. At this rate, the first meeting I'm going to have with my boss is going to be one neither one of us will forget. I could be home by April.

Views: 11

Comment by JustDee on March 24, 2009 at 7:45pm
sounds like really bad planning if you ask me...
Comment by spacemonkey1310 on March 24, 2009 at 7:46pm
@ Sara - I've already expressed my discomfort and the boss said give it a week. So I shall. But I would hope a resolution will be coming up quickly. I have nothing invested in this new region so would have no problem walking away. Hope it works out though.
Comment by BlancheNoE on March 24, 2009 at 7:52pm
Okay,..I heard (read?) " journey to the USA,.." and then I lost interest in whatever else was going on in this blog. I hope we have enough money, after immigration fleeces us for the green card, to to make it up east. How long are you here for ?,..oh, and this is completely unrelated, but our company has a pay freeze on and the last Regional meeting, which is usually a 3 day event held at some gorgeous resort, was at the local zoo this year and lasted 3 hours, no,'s not just you. *SMACK*
Comment by spacemonkey1310 on March 24, 2009 at 7:52pm
@ Dee - I agree. This is basic good manners and practice as far as I'm concerned. It bothers me that the night before heading out to the USA I'm feeling dread not excitement.
Comment by spacemonkey1310 on March 24, 2009 at 8:01pm
@ Amy - I hope the immigration stuff works out cheap and easy for you both. Apparently I like immigration issues like I like my women lol.

My company is the biggest soccer company in the US and they always pull crap like this to save a buck. Credit crunch or no credit crunch. Losers.
Comment by Pypermarru1 on March 24, 2009 at 10:18pm
That is complete bullshit Monkey. This is unexceptable my man. I hate to add fuel to the fire but come on......they are lodging you like you are a preteen with your school friends.
I hope they can fixs this situation soon. You are not a child at summer camp for christ sake.

Having said that, don't forget that besides the crappy living arrangments, you will be doing something that you love and are good at. That is the silver lining....I guess.
Good luck and try not to bitch slap your new boss...ha
Comment by JustAnotherUserName on March 24, 2009 at 11:11pm
I'm glad you have a job :-) So many in the States don't.
Comment by photo2010 on March 25, 2009 at 12:13am
Agree Ruth. I have long retired friends that are looking for work because of the downturn. Every week hearing about someone else losing their job.
Comment by jinboy on March 25, 2009 at 4:55am
and thats for ppl with qualifications im here trying to get a year placement and nothing LOL
the london imperial college said no and they were offering 10k for the year???? in LONDON wtf
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on March 25, 2009 at 4:11pm
I'm with Pyper....except the last part. Let the bitch-slapping commence.


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