The Ark

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Yesterday, May 1, 2011, was the unveiling at the cemetary for

the writing on the stone that she shares with my Father.


I wrote and spoke the eulogy, which expresses just a little

of who she was, and my love for her.


I would like to share it with my friends here:


"My Mother often told me about how she and her family came to the United States. She

told me that a lawyer who lived in her family's home town in Hungary warned her parents that

it wasn't safe for them to stay there. My Grandfather had to leave his family first and find work.

My Mother said her Father was crying because he didn't want to leave but he did. My Mother

followed after with her five sisters and their Mother. She told me about a few things that happened

on the way to the U.S. They showed a film on the ship they were on, and in the film was a

scene with a ship sinking. Not so funny at the time, but my Mom was able to laugh at it

with me. I asked my Mom if she saw the Statue of Liberty. She said she heard everyone

yelling "there it is", but she said she didn't see it, and i would tease her and say, "how could you miss

it?", and she would laugh.

    My Mother suffered from depression much of her life. She was given the advice that work

would help her and it did. She told me that her Father didn't want her to work, he said that

he knew if she started to work she would never stop. But she found a job at a retail store

downtown, and never did stop working. She loved selling clothes and became

so good at her job that her customers would follow her when she changed jobs. She loved

helping people, and she worked until she was 80 years old.

    My Mother was devoted to her family, both her family from Hungary, and my Father,

my Brother, and me. She would do anything to make life better for us, and she did.

    Life was often very difficult, but somehow my Mother would find joy in life.

When I was in college in my 20's, my Mom decides she wanted to take a tour

of Europe. This is one of my fondest memories. My Mother arranged a tour of France and Italy

and we visited my Brother and Sister-in-Law who were living in Milan, and got

to see Rome, Venice, Florence, and much more. It was a wonderful trip, and i often

reminisce about how happy we all were.

    My Mother meant so much to me, i can't express it all here. I still talk to her every

day and pray to G-d that she and my Father are alright. I love and miss you Mom."

Views: 13

Comment by BlancheNoE on May 2, 2011 at 11:05pm

A beautiful tribute which I'm sure she appreciates.

x's & o's

Comment by JustAnotherUserName on May 2, 2011 at 11:36pm
Warm thoughts being sent your way, Kevin.  She was so lucky to have such a devoted son.  xo Ruth
Comment by photo2010 on May 3, 2011 at 12:20am

Blanche, thank you :) The weather was so perfect yesterday, I'm sure that was

for her. I hope you are feeling ok my friend. xo


Ruth, thank you kind friend. :) Warm thoughts back to you. xo

Comment by Marie on May 3, 2011 at 9:01am
Comment by photo2010 on May 3, 2011 at 3:12pm
<3 <3 <3 ;-)
Comment by NatureJunkie on May 3, 2011 at 3:18pm
I think delayed eulogies are the best eulogies. The writer is better able to focus on the positive impacts of the life remembered, instead of on his or her own immediate grief. I know you are still grieving, Kevin. But it does my heart good to know you're remembering her with a smile now.
Comment by photo2010 on May 3, 2011 at 9:57pm
NJ, a year ago, I wasn't even able to speak at my Mother's funeral. i had to ask someone to say my words for me. I am glad that I was able to honor her this time. Thank you for your kind words. :)


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