@Ruth- have you told me those stories already? If so, I might be able to guess...
@Dee...do you remember those toys...? lol
The fact that dad was extorting from some guy in Florida was something I got out of
him the year before he died.
@Mel- I SO loved that art set. :o)
Please don't wait too long to write that book. I want to read it :-)
I can't think of a single worst event when I was a kid. My Mom did have cancer, but I didn't realize how serious that was when I was young. And she survived (and she is still around thank goodness). The worst thing I really remember is my Dad's horrible temper and my sister and him getting into fights. Awful. Those fights are the reason I never wanted children.
My best Christmas present ever was a unicycle. I begged for it for months. Then on xmas morning it seemed like I wasn't going to get it. We had finished opening presents and everything. Then my Dad said "Oh,what's this behind my chair?" It was my unicycle!!!
My best memory of childhood? It's not one memory, it's that I know my Mom and Dad loved me and would do anything for me and my brother. My Parents even gave up a beautiful home we were going to move into so that they could afford to send my brother to an ivy league school. That's how important education was to them, and how much they loved us.
My worst memory? Maybe I'll talk about that another time.
@Kevin- Yeah, the "bad" side is pretty bad or sad for a some of us, for sure. Pretty cool, though, about your parent's sacrifice in the name of education.
I remember the barbie dream house because I had wanted one and you got it.. whats sad is that other then getting a sew easy sewing machine one year, I don't remember any of MY christmas presents only yours and Joeys.. boy,,, can we say envious bitch?
@Dee- You always got DOLLS!!! That's what you wanted! Sometimes I got dolls just cuz YOU wanted dolls, but I'd abandon them and you'd adopt. See, it's no wonder that as adults you turned out to be a one-woman baby boom and I'm single and barren. :oP
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