Whatever floats your boat...
Trailer 3 from Peter Adams on Vimeo.
Third trailer. These 3 were from 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively. I'm currently making a new one (sorta became a tradition) wich actually makes me wanna do something with this ;-)
Well, it's okay but it's no Doris Anne video.
Hey, you know what would look cool flying through that sky ?
I'd tell you but it's ultra top secret.
As usual, this trailer makes me want to see the fucking movie.
I remember this...creeped me out then, still does now. Damn clones...someone needs to let them live the rest of their very short existence in agonizing pain...then take them to their final resting place piece by piece. I like bad guys BUT...something has to make me love them..these guys? so far...No. Are you gonna translate that track or tell us what it is?
@Amy: I'm making another one that's the first that hints at where the story would go if I had the recources to make it. Just to up the ante. You're welcome.
@TG: It's a part of a 2004 computer game soundtrack, it's written in medievil latin and basically repeats 2 lines over and over. The choir sings "Is nomine vacans liberarit vobis ex servitute" (the nameless will free you from slavery) and the dark voice part in the middle chants "Is nomine vacans reddet vobis ars magica" (the nameless will return magic to you). It's supposed to be vaguely hinting at the story.
FYI I don't speak latin. I googled the translation ;-)
Hah. My deathray hands recharge way faster than yours.
I was reading an older essay by William Gibson this week and he talks about what he calls "Garage Kubricks", folks who really want to do everything in their movie themselves (like ol' Stanley) and increasingly can because of software. I think you are the Ark's Garage Kubrick. I'm curious to know how short you feel you fall in resources necessary to pull off something longer. Could you conceivably save, borrow, or kickstart enough to make this?
@Trimaddog: You should see my appartment.
@Geoff: It was never about money. Usually these cost me 3 packs of smokes for editing ;-) The recources I need are actually people to fill the various roles in the story. I don't know anybody who would make the effort just for the fun of it.
@Marie: You missed trailer 2. Scroll down ;-)
@Adams - hey thanks for the translation. that song is rather haunting. I've got this relationship with music.
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