The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Episode 6 of our little all CGI adventure. I didn't have the heart to chop it up into 30 second bits so you get ten of them in one go. Enjoy.

Views: 132

Comment by Geoff on July 30, 2011 at 3:05pm
Well done, well done, well done.
Comment by Chig on July 30, 2011 at 4:24pm

Hmmm.... for some strange reason I have an urge to watch an episode of 24.

Deja Vu on 2 being shot by 4.... as in episode "One".     I guess that would be both twos that make up your 2247.  We also see a 4 in that name.   Is it any coincidence that 4 plus 3 is 7?   I think not.  

Nice use of the E.S.




Comment by BlancheNoE on July 31, 2011 at 12:04pm

Jeeze, it didn't take you long to master the CGI but I'm not surprised.

By the way, I love 2's weapon of choice (sideways winky smile here).

Now, you ARE going to bring 2 back to life, right? Don't make me get my painted stick.

Comment by flophousepoodle on July 31, 2011 at 5:51pm

I was told once never to cry over numbers...Well..damn.

Amazing! Enjoyed the way you lit the fours bashing down the doors.

Comment by NatureJunkie on August 1, 2011 at 3:28am

The music is perfect. Sucked me in. I had to keep saying to myself, "It's okay, it's only a story, only a story..."


And man oh man, there'd better be a sequel!

Comment by LtAdams2247 on August 1, 2011 at 3:09pm

@Geoff: three thumbs up from the man who knows movies inside and out. See, that's why I pull double shifts on these things ;-)

@chig: I love it when you speculate ;-)

@BnoE: You wanted Two to kick some more ass. Well there you go, I can fulfill wishes. But you know everyone only gets one. Who am I, Santa fucking Clause?

@flop: I know, right? Once they start talking and acting all cute you wanna just hug that One and tell it everything is going to be alright. Then I have to remind myself that I am the writer on this show and that means that in all likelyhood very little is going to be alright ;-)

@Kumori: yeah if equasions would have started to beat each other up, I would have payed more attention as well.

@NJ: rest assured, I won't end on a cliffhanger. As a matter of fact I have the next 2 episodes already in the works. I might not always put "to be continued" at the end of something that is to be continued but you won't be able to miss the end cause of the title saing, y'know, "the end" ;-)

Comment by Pypermarru1 on August 1, 2011 at 7:53pm

God I love this stuff.

First, 2 is a badass, baby.  1 on the other hand is just a pathetic wimp.  I mean come on, she gets knocked out cold with a single smack?  Clearly she didn't go to the gym with her hubby

3 and his twin have been kidnapped?  Good lord, good thing they have more 2 in'um than 1, that way they can stave off the brainwashing for a while.

get it.....?  More 2 than 1.  2+1=3  so there's more of the 2..cause......

nevermind.  I'll leave the epic humor and stories to the master.  :0)


Comment by LtAdams2247 on August 4, 2011 at 8:08am
No love for the One, ey pyper? Watch very closely, only one of the kids takes after his father ;-)
Comment by spacemonkey1310 on August 7, 2011 at 9:42am

So much violence!

; )

Comment by Marie on August 8, 2011 at 10:50am

Much as I'm totally digging the show... 1 really is a pathetic excuse for a number. She needs to put on her big girl panties and Sarah Connor up for the sake of the 3s!


Ammaaa-zing(!) animation! More!


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