The Ark

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At 11:54pm on November 26, 2018, ThatGirl said…

Hope your little tribe is doing well. bringing some music i discovered, hoping it is a gift to you as it was to me. No smarmy responses...Mr! I kind of love "Oh Wonder", so you can say anything you want and It won't change my mind.

At 12:59pm on August 2, 2017, Chig said…

It was the vocal stylings on this one that made me think Meg.  This is the song from the show I watched   I just shared the organ eating one with you, because it was more relatable as a Meg theme.

At 10:09am on July 31, 2017, Chig said…

I as watching an episode of one of my favorite series and I heard a song by this artist.  I thought it was Meg, but as it turns out there is a blonde version of Meg running around out there.  

At 11:40am on July 5, 2017, ThatGirl said…

At 3:39pm on July 7, 2016, ThatGirl said…

first time back online at my limbo stop on my interstate move..and holyballs, that video is the only thing which played without an intolerable buffertime.and holyballz what a great live performance. that man has a voice from beyond. love love it. how are all you shiny people? that little darling must be so precious right now..i want a talkie video!! make one, private..with you two as parents, shes got to be a spitfire comedian already...and talented..and adorable...(no thanks to you on that one)

At 5:49pm on March 23, 2016, ThatGirl said…

Ummmm... I could only think of you when i saw this today.  stay with it til the end.

At 7:41am on March 3, 2016, BlancheNoE said…

I always forget to scroll down my "wall". egg-ZACT-ly.  And Leap year birthdays call for deep fried fair-pickles. Be careful to let them cool first though. Talk about an embarrassing emergency room visit. They treat you like you're weird or something.


At 7:41pm on December 21, 2015, ThatGirl said…

may your little tribe have the most peaceful, smile filled holiday to date. Love DS

hello melly mel and babycakes too..

At 9:27am on November 28, 2015, ThatGirl said…

At 2:07pm on December 31, 2014, ThatGirl said…

Happy New Year, You Three.....Take Pictures!!!!

At 4:39pm on December 3, 2014, ThatGirl said…
At 12:44pm on November 30, 2014, ThatGirl said…

you say corn,

I say

At 10:42pm on November 17, 2014, Mel Meeperson said…

"We" said my bank account. Boom!

At 10:15pm on November 17, 2014, Mel Meeperson said…

We host the ark in January and you decide on 60 sec. vids?  How am I suppose to catch up with you in 60 secs? Will you bring me a soda upstairs... I'm lazy and talking to my girl friend at the moment. :)

At 9:51pm on November 14, 2014, Mel Meeperson said…

Meep Meep! Shark tank is on. Come warm my feet. I'll make you a sammich.

At 11:51am on September 23, 2014, ThatGirl said…

you done good, Senator!

At 11:33pm on September 22, 2014, Mel Meeperson said…

you're welcome. :)

At 8:41pm on September 17, 2014, Collective Soul said…

Almost perfect... sorry.  Lower case w not upper case.

At 7:44pm on August 20, 2014, Chig said…

I located a spindle of optical disks of Live Videos... have not yet delved into the contents... but I found them!

At 10:33am on August 16, 2014, BlancheNoE said…


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