The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

I've been a bit busy. There's so much I want to do, but there never seems enough time or money to do it! Ah well, I am here writing away.

Speaking of writing, I have been working on a collection of poems again. It all started last April during a writers' group that met on Saturday mornings for free-writing sessions. I wrote about a girl who walked into a Mississippi town, fell asleep on the bench near the courthouse, and then woke to find townspeople all around her. She asked for work and a lady helped her. She works a while there, and one day while walking around a field, a spring storm comes. She goes into labor and her son is born in the field. A thistle is near her. This is just a summary and it sounds so much more poetic when reading the poem. Anyway, I have around 41 poems now for this series, and that particular poem is somewhere towards the end of the story. I haven't finished filling in some gaps, so I don't know how many more poems I will write before it is finished, but I am thinking another 10. One of my writer friends in the group also left Kentucky and is now in Portland, Maine. I miss him so very much, but we still talk about writing on the phone and I have sent and received his suggestions for improvements on the poems. Its coming along well.

I really ought to go back through the Lexington Lives poems and making videos for those. The one I made and posted on livevideo (or was it youtube) ya'll liked, although that one's been edited a lot since then.

Yesterday I finally re-potted these five tall houseplants and I feel pretty good about it. Hopefully now they won't die. :)

I have been making little felt things and trying to sell them on No one's bought one yet. I am thinking of finding out about a little shop in town and see if they will sell them for me.... and how much, if at all, is a commission on the sells. I made 23 little felt birdies, and I just finished a bunch of valentine hearts. I haven't posted the hearts, though you can see some pictures of both in my photos here at The Ark.

Well, this is a long enough blog. I am going to get cleaned up and go for a walk around Lake Hefner... if I can find it again!

Views: 11

Comment by Dunleavy on January 19, 2009 at 1:41pm
I love poetry and crafts. I should post some of mine. Hope you find the lake. ; )
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on January 20, 2009 at 3:25am
Hey Laura! We started a writer's group here. I haven't checked yet to see if you've already joined but I hope you have. ;o)


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