The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Soooo I totally just ordered beads for the parade I'm going to be in not today, but next Friday. I love being in Mardi Gras Parades. Heck, I love any parade, but Mardi Gras is my favorite... You get funny stories about drunks. It's awesome. I have no need to go to the violent streets of New Orleans to see all the celebrities for Mardi Gras. Most people forget that Baton Rouge has some AWESOME parades. They're not as hectic, and people aren't as drunk and awful and there are far fewer deaths.

I'll try to take pix and photos. It's not until the 13th, so it will be a while, but I totally just ordered like 60 dozens of beads. =) Lemme know if you want me to send you some of the beads we have left over... IF we have any left over. I'll give you the hook up.


ps if anyone wants to boycott valentine's day with me this year, i'm totally up for company. ugh. i hate this day more than any other of the year.

Views: 7

Comment by Pypermarru1 on February 6, 2009 at 9:16am
I am nuetral when it comes to Valentines day. Depends on my mood as to whether I will boycot....but I hear what your say'n
As for beads.....I am never nuetral about that. I LOVE BEADS. not gonna lift my shirt for them but I will flash a smile ;0)
Have fun at that parade and please do take pictures
Comment by Dunleavy on February 6, 2009 at 12:18pm
I grew up in a smaller town and we always had a parade to start off the Flower Festival. The five largest seed companies had flower fields all around the town. My favorite part of the parade was the Lawn Drilling Team. There isn't anything like a drill team pushing lawn mowers down the center of the street. Loved it! They got better and better every year. I wonder if I still have the pictures.

Enjoy the Mardi Gras parade. I've always wanted to go to New Orleans but I think I'd be a little frightened and shocked.

As for Valentine's Day, I think it's over-rated. MrPoe and I never go out then. I'll boycott with you even though I have another half.
Comment by kateybella on February 6, 2009 at 8:42pm
Thank you very much. I just think it's stupid to have one day designated for telling your loved one that you love them and for giving them expensive candies and such. I mean, if the whole world is doing it, what makes it special to you and your loved one to do it on cue, too?

If you have those pictures, I'd like to see them. I used to be on the colorguard at my school.

New Orleans is mostly a tourist trap during the 'Gras. It also smells like urine and beer, too. Go to New Orleans, but not during Mardi Gras. It's a beautiful city when people aren't ...well, drunk in masses.


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