The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

So i woke up this morning to see that lv wasn't working at all....after two hours still no sign of life...went to thing happened....thought it was my internet connects but every other site is working except those to...i've been trying to avoid saying this...but i think lv might be gone...*tear* my dancing jungle party elephant is playing a sad song on his trunk trumpet....and the man on the side listening is saying..."man that elephant can blow a sadddddddddddd song"....oh well....we still got the memories of the site...and that's what counts :)

If you are's what i found on the net....

princess erica

Views: 15

Comment by Ken (aka rivrvlogr) on October 28, 2008 at 1:59pm
One more reason to thank Syd for her foresight!
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on October 28, 2008 at 5:53pm
I'm at school and I couldn't get to LiveVideo but I asked someone else to do it and they said it's okay now. *Whew!!!
I'm really hoping this site won't be necessary!
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on October 28, 2008 at 7:39pm
@Hol- that's comforting!! know that they're actually "maintaining"!!!
Comment by PrincessEricasWorld on October 28, 2008 at 8:39pm
ya it's not even giving me that's just telling me that the link doesn't exist...and i tried on all three of my i'm like hella confused with lv...i guess we just got to wait...
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on October 28, 2008 at 9:11pm
@Erica- people are getting different messages. Those who are on it are reporting that the vids don't work and now many of the pictures are loading. Who knows what's up...
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on October 30, 2008 at 2:08pm
Is it SAD or what, if it's true. It's really interesting to feel like your virtual home is slowly being wiped away...I had no idea the feeling it gave me of an actual "material place" until this last week...


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