The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

I have stirred up a hornets nest in the Smokescreen household and thought it would be nice to bring the dispute here too. :-)

Every one knows of the first five.
But I have a sixth sense in witch I can experience the physical world around me, and I don’t know why it is not counted in the list. I am aware of it in every moment, and I know of it without the help of any of my other senses. It is the sense of balance.
This sense has its own organs that work together to detect movement and tilt of the head.
In fact this sense works so well I am hardly aware of it most of the time, but try to walk across a dark room to find a light switch and you will become completely conscious of its ability to guide you.
So I ask you this
Is there 5 or 6?

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I have no sense of humor, but I need to pee so I have a sense of urgency. :-)
I think this has been addressed scientifically. I have a friend who's child has a form of autism and she was told that he is lacking that sixth sense the one that lets us know our body is occupying space. I forget what his diagnosis was called.
Something sensory perception.
That could also be like a case study that I have read about in The Brain that changes itself. I just started reading it recently and there is a story about a lady that had an overdose of an antibiotic and it destroyed the part in her brain that processes that sort of thing.
The cool thing about it was that she recovered because of an implant that she used for a few hours a day that remapped her senses. After the brain remapped itself she has had a full recovery and doesn’t need any further treatments.

Very interesting.
After reading and thoroughly enjoying this discussion, I have a question that reminds me of one of those Zen riddles (e.g., what is the sound of one hand clapping?). The question is this: Is nonsense a sense, or is it not a sense? If something doesn't make sense, it could still be a sense, just as a dollar bill doesn't make money, but it is money. On the other hand, invest a dollar bill, and if your lucky (quite unlikely in today's economic climate), it will make money. Looking at nonsense in a different way, can something be what it is not? Can a non-believer be a believer? Some evangelists think so. They think that if a non-believer only sees the light, he or she will then believe. Likewise, when something doesn't make sense, and you shed some light on it, sometimes it will suddenly make sense. Getting back to the dollar example, if you break a dollar, you can make 100 cents out of it. That certainly is a lot of sense! Well, if you can't see by now that this comment is nonsense, then you must not have the sense of nonsense, and I think it's time for me to shut up. =b
Ah yes, non sense is the one that I have in spades. In fact without it all the rest would be meaningless. For without non sense I would truly go insane (if I'm not already).

So in honer of non sense, did you here the one about the dyslexic devil worshiper who sold his soul to Santa?

I'm so confused
No wait
maybe I'm not
Well, if you are confused, I'm right there with ya. ;)


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