The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Day 25 Quilting Bee #9 The Devil Threads a Needle (not) and a Bid is Made on this Quilt

Responses to petepauliepan, liketelevisionsnow, Tadbit379,
Halloween, and more on depressions, group sports, and creative energy

Views: 44

Comment by BlancheNoE on October 31, 2010 at 6:24pm
You make quite an alluring little devil so a have to say I wasn't scared off when you said you were going to get me. Your differentiation of depression and grief/agony is absolutely sensible. When emotions get labeled as depression they are more likely to be "treated" (read masked) with drugs.
Emotions are meant to be dealt with, not avoided. I nominate you as Quilt Captain * flails arms in air * pick me !, pick me ! Wait, you already did. I'm so lucky.
Comment by Marie on November 4, 2010 at 8:44am
Creativity, what kills it? Fascinating concept...

For several years we barely coped with multiple deaths and life threatening illnesses. Grief loss pain anger! Numb. Oh absolutely, grief is not depression! Needless to say we were not our usual selves. I found it ~shocking~ the number of friends that suggested antidepressants. We had a right to our pain and to medicate it away would deny the value/existence/importance of our loved ones to us and what we were living with.

We kept our pain private but it changed us and I guess our friends just wanted their old friends back.
Comment by tree on November 4, 2010 at 9:57am
Yes, you describe it perfectly. Thanks
Comment by NatureJunkie on November 4, 2010 at 6:31pm
How I miss my close-focusing vision! I used to be able to see the particles of fiber in the surface of paper, and now threading a needle is a struggle even with reading glasses. Ever tried these do-hickies?

Comment by tree on November 4, 2010 at 6:46pm
years ago, maybe I'll try to find one


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