Comment by BlancheNoE on October 27, 2010 at 7:53am
What makes an artist an artist? Is it someone who makes a living at art ?,..not necessarily.
An artist is someone who just does what they do and keeps doing what they do no matter what their life circumstances or income level. Someone who MUST do what they do because,....well,
that's what they DO. " Moist" for the win.
Moist... *chuckles* If I was rich, I'd be on the next plane to add a few stitches!
Comment by NatureJunkie on November 4, 2010 at 3:42pm
I am SO glad you showed the specifics of the framing. It's one part of quilting I've read about but I've never been able to exactly visualize it. This answers a lot of questions for me.
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