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Would you let a complete stranger into your home on a Sunday, or any other day, if they said they were from the Census Bureau, even if they presented a card, and answer a lot of personal questions? Or would you ask them to leave..politely but firmly? I live in a high-rise building with a door person. The doorman called to say someone was here to see us, and my Mother told the doorman to let the woman up. Unfortunately, I didn't intercept the call first, but I did stop the interview immediately. When I told the woman we didn't have an appointment with her, she said they sent a letter and that we were selected at random. Lucky us. I told her I never saw any letter, and I didn't want my Mother answering any personal questions. So she started grilling ME! I told her this was Sunday, we had no appointment and the interview was over. She asked if she could mail us the interview. I agreed. She also said this was for the Boston office, and we don't live in Massachusetts! I don't feel that I am overly cautious..there is no way to verify this woman's identity on a Sunday, and anyone can print up a business card. When I was a kid, some man came to our house and presented an official-looking badge to my Mother. She let him in, he was selling vacuum cleaners.

I told the doorman not to let anyone else up without MY approval. We've already had a credit theft occur in the past year..and in this economy, it is said that scams are on the rise. How would you have handled this?

Views: 16

Comment by photo2010 on February 15, 2009 at 6:09pm
Thanks Sara. I was firm about it, and I did tell her she ruined our Sunday. She didn't seem phased, but she left.
Comment by photo2010 on February 15, 2009 at 11:31pm
Thank you Suze, I hear too much stuff about ppl misrepresenting themselves to get information. In any case, better to err on the side of caution I feel.
Comment by photo2010 on February 16, 2009 at 12:57am
I will be calling the Census Bureau tomorrow. I looked up some census info and found out the census is taken every 10 years, and the next one is not due to be taken until 2010 !
Comment by NatureJunkie on February 16, 2009 at 1:58am
Kevin, your mother is lucky to have you looking out for her. As you said, anyone can have a business card printed. The card may even have the legitimate name and number of an employee at the Census Bureau on it, but that doesn't mean that the cardholder is legitimate. Scams on the elderly are rampant. Even in my small community, the town newspaper contains reports every week of an elderly person who was fooled by someone who seemed "official."

Census workers do work door-to-door, but when you call the Bureau, ask when the census will officially begin and how they will be collecting information in your area. If you find out that this person was indeed suspicious, you should alert your local police, any senior centers you have in town, and your local newspaper so that they can alert the community that this is going on.

Bravo to you, guy!
Comment by photo2010 on February 16, 2009 at 2:20am
NJ, I think scams are going to be more and more rampant until the economy turns around..if indeed that's a factor. I try to protect my Mother and myself from these things..but find it to be an exhausting process on top of everything else going on. But I will do what I have to do. If I do find out this was a scam, I may contact some of the local TV consumer protection reporters.

Thanks for your supportive words! :)
Comment by Mango8260 on February 16, 2009 at 4:45am
If something dsn't feel right, it's for a reason. Good job!
Comment by photo2010 on February 16, 2009 at 12:20pm
Mango, so true..thanks! ;)
Comment by Dunleavy on February 16, 2009 at 5:53pm
Very wise on your part. Not only was it on a Sunday, but President's Day weekend when it's a federal holiday. Be sure to follow up on her. I haven't heard of that scam but impersonating someone in a federal office should be a crime.
Comment by photo2010 on February 16, 2009 at 8:18pm
I called the police today. I asked them if they heard of any scam like this going around..they said: "not yet". They want to know if I find out anything. I've already sent an email to the census bureau questioning the matter.

@Christine..please be my bodyguard. You can 'turf' the next one. (never heard that expression, but I like it, lol). xox
@rams..To me, it seems about a year early to start taking the census for 2010, but maybe they want to get a head start. However, I live in a building of about 80 condo units..rather inefficient to visit just one unit on a Sunday.
@Sedona..I like the 'Arsenic and Old Lace' approach. Where's Boris when we need him.
@Dunleavy..It does seem rather odd for a federal employee to be working on a holiday weekend. But, playing devil's advocate..I believe people are hired part time to do these door-to-door jobs, so i guess it's possible.
Comment by photo2010 on February 18, 2009 at 11:24am
This is the email response I've gotten so far from the census bureau:

"Thank you for using the US Census Bureau's Question & Answer Center. The Census Bureau conducts many surveys at any given time and field representatives are used to collect data for many of those surveys. To confirm that you have been selected for a survey, please call 1-800-******* or 1-888-*******. You can also call the Census Bureau Regional Office for your area -"

So apparently they can send someone without notice at anytime on any day. I haven't confirmed that they sent someone, but either way, it pisses me off.


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