My Mom collapsed again today. She is doing 'ok' now. Paramedics checked her out,
she didn't want to go to the ER. Luckily she didn't hurt herself when she fell. I feel
horrible because I couldn't get to her this time. Because of my mobility issues,
all I could do is call 911. I also called two of my Mother's sisters who live nearby,
one of whom just called to berate me for allowing this to happen. I guess I don't
feel bad enough already as far as she's concerned.
I really feel like giving up..I mean on everything. Life has gotten too hard. If there
is a saturation point, I think I'm there..or on the brink. I can't visualize anything
that will help. My family just wants to dump my Mother and me in a nursing home.
I can't fathom that for myself, though it may be a positive thing for my Mother.
We have discussed it, and she says she doesn't want it either. But when she was
recently rehabilitating in a nursing home..she did seem to get stronger, even
though she said she didn't like it there.
I'm at a loss..
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