The better to hear you with, my child...
I wish it was that easy.
This morning I was running late, and when I went outside to get in the car, there was this guy kinda hiding behind my dumpster. He ducked down and when I got in my car and backed out and then headed to leave, right before I turned out, he opened the dumpster and got inside and started opening trashbags... I got to watch because I was stuck trying to get out.. traffic was bad at that time... I hate running late.
But it was really weird. I understand diving, like seeing what big items have been thrown away, but to go through the actual trash-bag is strange to me, because that is my kitchen garbage and bathroom garbage... its like the stuff you don't ever want to open up once its thrown out...
Today has just been one of those days.
I accidently left my phone here at home, so I had to wait 4 something plus hours before I could come home at lunch to get it just to chit chat with my friends... haha... yeah, life is rough right?
I don't like not having my phone, its my only communication to my family back home and lately my mom has gotten worse where I don't feel comfortable if I don't have the phone on me. I am sure there is some type of neurosis for that behavior...
So now, I am getting Lucky who was once Jasper all packed up. My girlfriend's daughter is on her way over to pick him up, and Dinah will have the house to herself the next few days. I have to go out of town this weekend and I can't leave little Lucky alone... I am scared Dinah will eat him if I do. Today was a no hissing day as Lucky gets all near her, this is an improvement. It's been quiet the experiment, each day Dinah is getting more relaxed.
The hardest part is that I think Lucky is deaf... BlancheNoE had mentioned the ears and the name radar and its just the opposite in this case, he does not seem to hear anything. I can be behind him making noises and he does not blink an eye. What makes it really hard is he does not seem to hear Dinah growl at him. She was on the bench and he was under it trying to play with her and she is making loud mad noises and it did not phase him a bit, he wanted to continue to play... Dinah is getting more upset, I am trying to get the kitten and Dinah tried to smack me.
This is the stuff I am trying to avoid, so I have to work twice as hard if this little baby can't hear.
Well, they just came and picked Lucky up, Dinah is looking around for him now, I need to finish getting packed to go. I hope these next few days with Dinah alone does not put me back with trying to wean her with Lucky.
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