The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

1. DREAM - Last Night: In a small community of Cro-Magnon man, as a result of daily life conflicts about carrying water, fighting over women, sleeping space in a cave, and food; TWO males enter a heated argument, in GESTURES. I recall trying to decipher whether they mean, "you sat on my water holder" or " you bastard, you humped my woman".  I only remember being serious about making sense of this fight in body language, then waking up-CRACKING UP, thinking, "that's a great SNL skit".

This dream won hands down over my usual dream of having to save both children from a tragic natural disaster, thereby experiencing the Sophie's Choice dilemma--always finding myself forced to use one hand to hold on for my own life so that i may save them, then having to choose which one to save with the ONE remaining hand. I usually wake up after much sweating and hearing their calls to save them, just as I make the ultimate decision to let go and let us all fall over choosing ONE. HORRIBLE recurring NIGHTMARE. I know recent events have triggered this nightmare again but it started when they were little and I had a few emergencies with them, where to save one, the other had to be ignored.  I'll Take Cro-magnon man fight over that ANY night of the YEAR!

2. Challenge -there's a challenge I've been thinking of:

Name your All-Time Favorite LiveVideo throwdown between two users:

(mine is a tie between SlickJimmy vs. DenaLynnnnnnnn + NJSlickback vs. Rottingcorpse/Collectivesoul) 

feel free to reply with was hilarious...and we all know it was.

3. Why - Something I have always wondered about any website I've been on:

I will never understand why people will go to a site, drop content there, and just basically leave it behind. Kinda like ring and run.  I don't get it.  Whip me, beat me, teach me...

okay I have ranted, now back to seriousness. Have at it ...I'm game.  Have to keep a sense of humor when life is as it is. 

Views: 258

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on March 29, 2012 at 6:57pm

Hmm...I don't remember any throwdowns!  I know there were lots, but I guess I must've done a good job steering clear of them.  I vaguely remember Mac and Kyhell being in the middle of a lot of shit, and Victor1st.  And another guy but I can't remember his name...

@ThatGirl- What happened with the CollectiveSoul thing? 

Comment by ThatGirl on March 30, 2012 at 9:11am

@Syd - I guess you missed it. Everyone from collectivesoul came out to defend the insane accusations of a madman from NJ, who boasted been incarcerated a dozen times and proudly announced being institutionalized 9 times for losing control of himself in public. This was sort of his brand of "threats" aimed directly at poor RottingCorpse while trying to host her CS month. He went apeshit about the use of the title "collectivesoul" being Against God. Oh blasphemy, the things which offend....he got ugly in the namecalling directed at her specifically, so the rest of us simply came out to hold him off. I do recall suggesting he commit himself for a while to get some rest, and then he disappeared. That happens alot when I make a WAS comical all the way thru, despite the absolute break from reality. I am not unsympathetic to the plight of the mentally ill, but there is a line to be drawn when their outbursts threaten innocent people. Kinda like when I go to the ER, and the see where the mentally ill end up, arrested or in ER, otherwise, not getting any help. This is one wants them on the streets, no one wants them in their town, and they're all too distracted by the other things.  Kinda sad, but their main playground is the internet, so you're gonna run into that from time to time.  All you can do is have a sound strategy at hand.

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on March 30, 2012 at 9:55am

Holy shit- no, I don't remember that.  I do recall her having a hard time of it, though.

Comment by ThatGirl on April 5, 2012 at 1:25pm


I must be the only one who remembers, so I'll help you out

  • SlickJimmy's BOX OF CRAZY ...dedicated to Denalynnnnnnnn.nnnnn.nnnnnnnn.nnnnn
  • and H proclaiming to be JESUS, and at other times a descent of... even providing documentation of his lineage *supposedly
  • the crazy clown accounts, threatening people publically and privately. anyone who was kinda popular
  • the fake deaths
  • the faked serious illnesses, even cancer , which DID piss me off royally. I have NO respect for that kind of lying so i took care of that privately, as i do.
  • oh, wait--- the fake girlfriend with the fake injuries and fake falls and then fake death, AND fake families, even.
  • we wont mention THAT one....
  • and the fake accounts going after the other fake accounts faking their own deaths as damage control
  • and creating accounts to fight with themselves to perpetuate the myth

it was FASCINATINg from a psychological standpoint. Very interesting, supportive of everything I've learned.

I never laughed so hard in my life

SlickJimmy's ....crazy cat lady hair the box of crazy was one of my favorite comebacks.

and the crazylady legal pad

..because.. YOU know.. shes an "attorney", a writer, an editor (you name it, she claimed it)

I ain't pulling any punches, ...Kumori Knows...this stuff was priceless. and maybe they are still watching listening and hoovering. and who cares.... perspective man

it was that important for some of these people to draw attention in any way possible.

Its sad, but still entertaining and I'm never going to deny it.

life goes on....

Comment by jinboy on April 10, 2012 at 6:41pm

it was all avenue for people to get a rise out of the internet to make their lives more meaningful then they actually were.................its a shame really

Comment by ThatGirl on April 11, 2012 at 8:13am

@Jinboy - Aw. I didn't mean to bring anybody down with this post, but it appears other people took those antics more seriously than I did.  A little study of the psychology around crowd and group behavior points out exactly what you mention as being a factor, however, I found the demise of LiveVideo to be greatly due to creative people going elsewhere, drawing people away and simply diminishing their activity level, opening the doors to drama becoming the spotlight event. LiveShows of questionable value, entered in at the same time as site admin decided to marginalize creative content and it just fell apart. When the party is over, and only the desperate remain, it's time to leave..stay in touch, and let us know how the jobhunt is going along. i'll refrain from bringing up silliness from the past. it's over and done with, and now is what we have to work with.

Comment by spacemonkey1310 on April 24, 2012 at 12:31pm

Kyhell vs the Inner Circle. When tools collide.

Comment by spacemonkey1310 on April 24, 2012 at 12:35pm

Which one haven't you mentioned? I'm intrigued.

Comment by ThatGirl on April 26, 2012 at 7:52am

@Spacemonkeynumbers - when it comes to Kyhell, it was only at the very end of that drama, I could stomach looking AT that face on video, so Yes, Tools!  which One????  Only TheShadow knows.

Comment by jinboy on June 15, 2012 at 12:36am

i actually simply put got bored of it it was like okay so what else are you gonna throw in to stir the pot...........oh you went their thats pretty low................

it was like a contsant battle of one ups-manship but in a how low can you go kind of way it was funny and sad at the same time

its pretty bad when these antics made the +18 live shows seem tame LMAO :P:P


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