According to my friends I am the only GUY to be totally gaga over the twilight films
So much so that when i linked this video on facebook a friend of mine insinuated that i may be gay hmmmmmm the forbbiden love im intrigued at how my assertiveness is seen as me being a homosexual as if only homosexuals can be open and free about how they feel im guessing its the primeval thoughts of man to keep emotions and feelings tucked away which i kinda feel is sad and could possibly lead to the creation of i dont know a weapon to let out the frustrations and the ultimate beng the big red button imagine if a world leader got so pent up and frustrated that to let it all out bang and out go the lights
so in my opinion i feel we all should give our homosexual tendancies alot more weight and the world would be a better place
oh and i LOVE the pianos in the soundtrak below is the one i linked to FB it is beautiful and rather relaxing and somber kinda way
GOOD DAY arkians
merry christmas and a happy new year
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