The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Chester Bennington and Linkin Park

Working in the same bakery for almost ten years has allowed me to meet some pretty nice people. Some of these people I'm honored to consider friends. Others leave marks and even though I would never be so bold to call them friends, I still consider them pretty cool.

Take for instance Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. When he's in town, we see him from time to time. He seems to be a pretty decent guy. Now if you asked me about Linkin Park, I'd tell you I wouldn't be able to pick out a song by them if I heard it playing. I understand he's supposed to be a pretty good vocalist and he seems to have quite a following. I happened to learn who he was because he's friends with two of our other customers who are also musicians.

He's always friendly and polite when he comes in. Take for instance this past week. He was in for a quick breakfast to go on his way to a photo shoot and then was flying somewhere. After I took his order and he walked away, one of our regulars, Jason, stepped up and said, "That's Chester Bennington from Linkin Park!" I confirmed it, took Jason's order and then told him to go talk to him.

Well after I finished with the line, I noticed Jason waiting for his food and Chester getting coffee. Being that I have no problem talking to or meeting people, as my Dad always pointed out, I asked Chester, "Would it be alright if I interrupted you for a few minutes and had you meet someone?"

Now he could have said that he was in a hurry to get to the photo shoot or even just said no. I wouldn't have thought anything bad about him. Even celebrities deserve to have a private life....even when they're in public picking up coffee and a bagel. But he didn't do that. He said of course and allowed me to drag Jason over to him and introduce them.

I don't know what they talked about because I had to go back to work. I know it made Jason's day to be able to meet him after being a fan for such a long time. It made my day to be able to introduce someone to him and for him to be so nice about it. I made sure to thank him as he was leaving and told him to visit again when he was back in town, in which he answered with a smile, "Of course!"

Views: 12

Comment by Dunleavy on June 2, 2009 at 3:05am
Thanks, Chig! And yes, let's upload some Linkin Park songs!
Comment by Dunleavy on June 2, 2009 at 12:24pm
@Nobodyschild99 Yeah, that was weird. I read your comment in my e-mail but it didn't appear here. If I recall correctly, he got a cheese bagel that day. He normally gets different things. I'm seriously going to have to listen to some Linkin Park one of these days. In case you didn't know, he's going to have a new project coming out at the beginning of the year with Ryan Schuck and Amir. I can't remember Amir's last name. They were with Orgy and now Julien-K.
Comment by spacemonkey1310 on June 3, 2009 at 12:28am
Linkin Park rock. Cool story.
Comment by Dunleavy on June 4, 2009 at 1:16am
@Chig You made my night. Thanks!


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