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Your Best and Worst Childhood Memory...?

Views: 154

Comment by photo2010 on May 17, 2009 at 6:53pm
@Syd..Finding the conversation between you and Dee interesting. Blogging as the new therapy? hmmm ;)

Re: the "bad" side, I thought I'd gotten over most of the bad stuff, but it's weird how it all hangs around somewhere between the conscious/subconscious.

John Gnagy, I remember that name! Must have been on tv sometime.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on May 17, 2009 at 7:08pm
@Kevin- Gnagy did have commercials, much like the Ginsu knife guy- do you remember him?

I definitely believe childhood stuff stays with us and shapes us to a large degree. How can it not, right? We can only be aware of it and reshape the myth that we told ourselves as a result...that myth we bought into as a child when we didn't have life experience to attach it to. There was no wisdom there- only raw emotions and coping mechanisms.

When I say re-shape it, I mean we need to own it and then re-tell the story to ourselves in a way that we can properly deal with the complexities (we couldn't possibly without the emotional maturity needed in certain situations and experiences).

The person I am now needs to hold that child in her soul's arms and she needs to rock her to sleep with a re-telling of that story in a way that makes sense as an adult. Therein, I think, likes forgiveness, redemption, and spiritual growth.

I'm not sure if I'm right, but that's the path I'm on.

Dee and I are so different- it's very interesting how as adults we've come to know one another as friends. We even can appreciate how, even though we almost killed one another as kids-lol, there were many tender moments between us- something that tends to be overlooked when you feel the essence mostly of sibling rivalry.

Dee, for a time, was my long-forgotten hero.
Comment by photo2010 on May 17, 2009 at 7:22pm
@Syd..absolutely remember Ginsu knife commercials, must have seen the John Gnagy ads too.

Trials of poor health and dependence on others have caused a regression for me which has caused a lot of old stuff to resurface. Also had the unwanted though inevitable effect of others (various family members) trying to take control of my life, which I resent. It's complicated.

I hear you regarding the sibling rivalry, similar experience of friendship in adulthood, but then, deterioration of friendship with health issues causing conflicts of interest. Makes one question how 'true' the friendship time was.
Comment by Pypermarru1 on May 17, 2009 at 7:37pm
These are the videos I just love. Book is going to be good I think.
I was a tomboy..easy bake oven would have been on my "worst" list. Barbie Dream House would have meant that my mom put the wrong name on the gift tag..ha
Interesting memories. The vacation sounds awesome.
Comment by JustDee on May 17, 2009 at 7:47pm
What do y9ou mean "your LONG FORGOTTEN hero"? when did you forget me and why was it just for a time????


Yeah, once I realized that mom didn't take my bottle away because of you, I was able to forgive you... (for those not in the "know" Syd and I are 18 months apart, me being older... until I was 27, I blamed her for my mother taking my bottle away, I was about 3 1/2 syd about 2ish... one day (when I was 27) I realized that Syd had her bottle taken away because of me... sorry sis...
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on May 17, 2009 at 7:50pm
@Dee- hehe- I just forgot all the wonderful things you did to actually protect me and also, the sacrifices you were never even asked to make that made you lose out on a bit of your childhood thanks to the fact that our parents weren't always...parents.

And regarding that bottle...seriously? You were the reason my bottle was taken away? Holy shit. Everything I thought I knew about life is now in question.
Comment by photo2010 on May 17, 2009 at 9:47pm
Ok, worst childhood memory. I was in third grade. Had to stay after school for some reason I can't remember, probably talking when I wasn't supposed to, or some other horrendous crime like that. There were a couple other boys who had to stay after also. At some point the teacher announced she was leaving the room and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WAS ANYONE ALLOWED TO GET OUT OF THEIR SEAT!!!! So she left, and a few minutes later I had to pee..bad! But the teacher had made the law and I wasn't going to break it. So I peed, sitting there in my seat, soaking myself and creating much humour for the boys on the other side of the room. When the teacher came back I was crying and she soon figured out why. Then she had the effing nerve to ask me why I didn't go to the bathroom. When you're in third grade, teacher's word is carved in stone. So she said: "I didn't mean if you had to go to the bathroom". I hope the janitor reamed her out for having to clean it up. As I recall she told the other boys it wasn't funny and that they were not to mention it in class the next day, but of course they told everyone causing much amusement. So I walked home in soaking wet pants. Yep, that's a bad memory.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on May 17, 2009 at 9:55pm
@aw, man....
Comment by photo2010 on May 17, 2009 at 11:26pm
Can sort of laugh about it now, but it was traumatic at the time. I feel bad for you for the pain you described Syd..(((Hugs))) (no worries, pants are dry now ;)
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on May 17, 2009 at 11:34pm
@Suz- we were too young to really appreciate the historic aspects, PLUS there were four of us and a poodle with a packed station wagon. The worst part was if you weren't quick enough to grab the window seats every time we got into the car. You were doomed to be on the "hump" (i have no idea why there was a hump in the middle seat...)

@Kevin- oh, I'm grateful to my youth and all the weirdness of it. Makes me who I am today, which is basically a deranged individual, but a good one, nonetheless.


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