The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

This is the bookend to One Minute: The Morning Sadness. This is what makes it worth it to have a foster dog.

Co-starring Emily.

Views: 102

Comment by NatureJunkie on September 5, 2010 at 12:08am
@ Geoff and Blanche: There really is nothing else like the happy dance dogs do when they're glad to see you. I've never received a greeting like this from a human being.

@ Chig: Yes, there is a way, but I realize it's going to break my heart in half.

@ LtAdams: That is absolutely perfect!

@ Lima: That's pretty cool. The only way in which my cats act like dogs is when they go for walks with me in the evening. It's gotten so that if my neighbors see me without them, they ask me where the cats are.

@ Syd: Would love to see Boodah Girl's happy dance!

@ Blanche: Beware of the side effect double whammy--rising happiness with joy radiating throughout the chest.

@ Flop: I'm sure Emily loves me. She's just reserved, like I am.

@ Pyper: That "code" is supposed to be a secret among just us lesbians. But now you've gone and made it public, we're going to have to find a new code. Emily is not impressed with you either, Madame.

@ Kevin: Actually, two of my cats usually do greet me at the door, but I've never had a cat who does what you describe. That's special. Blackie must have been quite a sweetheart.
Comment by TheLittleGirl on September 9, 2010 at 9:53pm
Frankie the dog that mom found on her route a few weeks ago would do this when I came home from school. He has found a new home and I miss him alot.
Comment by NatureJunkie on September 10, 2010 at 3:40pm
@ TLG: Hey, that reminds me! Your dad wants to adopt a little dog, no? I think Wheaties and your dad would be PERFECT for each other.


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