The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

GLASS-(The Movie)- 36 rotten tomatoes? bullshit. its a psychological thriller-VERY satisfied.

AQUAMAN-saw it by accident-100% Shitshow. like a mashup of unrelated films,LOTR, Indiana Jones, JurassicPark, Superman,ocean videogame, several Seasons of StarTrek, bloated w/races, traveling the world for NO reason, monologues for morons, innumerable identical battles,boring clutter of nonsense. MrFrog'sWildRide to Nowhere. Kids were falling asleep&complaining. Amber Heard is the standout in a turdpile, dunno if that's a good thing. wtf is WillemDefoe DOINg in this flick?

Healing as a woman is critical when you've been treated like garbage as a woman.

Since 2015 the tragedy loss chaos, & trauma in my family has been overwhelming. some is still getting solved slowly.
2016- It escalated-3 men going mad. I learned the cause- my perseverance to fight for my son,proved the right thing to do.August 2018, I was able to start focusing on my own healing, then the bomb dropped 2 months in and I'm laughing and everything that's been said to me in the past. I've seen what we're dealing with here, it's too much...I've had guys downgrade before or replace with a lookalike but...oh dear. When the confusion clears, it becomes funny and predictable.

Jan 26 was 1 year since 3 kidney surgeries in a row,10/17-01/18.

All manner of hell and high water has visited... during and AFTER moving in to a construction disaster-having to have my home rebuilt for a year WHILE living In it. The floods started in March--everything washed away outside and was destroyed, leaving my house sitting in water. As soon as rain fell, my house was under water on 3 sides from a new construction project on the next lot-this year dropping a record 80Inches of rain was catastrophic timing. I rebuilt everything outside several times in a row, on No budget at all. Switch Roles! now Im an engineer,excavation and irrigation expert-built Berms, Trenches, & irrigation systems- march-august 2018- just me and hand tools.- The project was so huge, the DOT and DEQ participated in approving my plan.
shoveling/hauling 25yrd of rock & tons of soil- carting it all in wheelbarrows. The spontaneous dislocations and joint damage crippled me, but i just kept going. Crawling inside from 100+ temps, covered in dirt,sweat and torn apart by thorns. I totally should go on NakedAndAfraid but my kidneys would fail from dehydration.

SO,,Then the driveway collapsed and a sinkhole formed -friends with Bobcats dragged soil & gravel to the street so my car wouldn't fall IN-- and ALL of THIS was NOTHING compared to the human tragedies since 2015- so i breathe and wake each day.

The genetics results came exactly as I discovered the BOMBshell; right in the middle of my compressed Pharmacy program. knowing someone for 1/4 of your lifetime is a long relationship- The torment drove me away over and over.I never should have made myself vulnerable to it again, but i DID, and that's on ME. I don't blame other people for when I know better and give people the trust they don't deserve.

Writing helps. Maybe someone will learn something from it. That's about all we can offer each other when bad things happen. No one has a right to do this shit, especially someone who loves them.

I had this math in the BAG before October Knocked me off my a car crash... rolling along smoothly and —

I found out myself, EndGame. No more. SnipSnip..Call me when you're sane.

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