The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Who are your top LV, YT, VH videomakers who you would like to bring onto the Ark? Or maybe they're already on board but not really as active as you know them to usually be.

If we get a good list going here maybe we could make it into a petition of sorts that we could send to the people concerned.

My top choices are;

kat.ballou -I know she has a channel here but it's kind of quiet and I miss her v/blogs.

Lafwthme2 - A really sweet, funny person who should get a channel here asap.

SlickJimmy - I know he's an arse but he cracks me up. Luvs ya man lol : )

Anyway, feel free to add some names.

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just off the top of me head-




Corey and Zwoon have their own Nings....
Good choices Syd and Sedona!
agreed - would love to see more from everyone.
I was a big fan of 1WhiteCrow, MopTheFloor, and rainbowbrightxx, just to name a few. I believe Nash is at VH, Mo is at YT, and Amber...she just kind of disappeared, so I'm missing her the most. This is a great idea, SM, because people do tend to go where they're wanted.
I got one wish! Laf is here now : )

If you book them they will come. Jim Morrison and the weird naked Indian guy were right!
No, Doug, that's for the "If You Lick Them, They Will Come" discussion. =b
LOL... that is too funny
lol Jim.
these choices do not surprise me Doug.. I don't know why since I don't really know you.. but still.. not at all surprised.
Are they all 13 Doug?
Ha touche!
Must come or if here must produce more list:



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