The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

ThatGirl singing Florence and The Machine's celebratory hymn. Interviews with Florence Welch reveal the inspiration for writing, with references to the power of the ocean and nature. It's interesting she says Frida Kahlo and Virginia Woolf creep in...People have made those references to other creepy things I've done.SCORE!

my interpretion of this song, putting singing, greenscreen, costuming, dance, particle illusion, and sony vegas together as a symphony. Thank the goddess, I am done. Special thanks to LtAdams2247 for the Earth VFX and additional sinking effects done in AfterEffects.

Views: 258

Comment by ThatGirl on October 18, 2011 at 11:40am

@Chig- Haunting, chills, cool, reminds me of why I once did "wuthering heights"..i got a thing for deadish and the undead..ay? Trust me, dear, I chucked that orb directly into an abandoned missile silo. Papa didn't raise no dummy

@Mel - Thank you SO much for the compliment. I get brave, then I get doubtful, then you come along and its all good.

@NJ - INDEED! Some of most impactful visuals I have been able to churn out of my little machine, have been products of experimentation with only a "theory" about how it would turn out... I LIVE for those moments!

Comment by Arkian Michael on November 9, 2011 at 3:25pm

One of your baby's? I act kindly to say welldone deep inside only silence says.

U go girl!



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