The Ark

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Ae777ed's Comments

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At 9:43pm on May 5, 2016, ae777ed said…

At 11:03am on January 31, 2016, ThatGirl said…

Oh, I'm awake alright +crazy too.  I insisted on trying to dance a little right after round 1 knee injections Friday...(72 hour wait wut?) I've never broken these rules before but it hurts no worse this way. It did make me smile a little-so, it was worth it.

At 7:24pm on December 21, 2015, ThatGirl said…

one for the road

I thought THIS was a very nice original composition from an artist friend 

At 7:52pm on December 18, 2015, ThatGirl said…

HA! I was Looking for THIS!

can't beat this old stuff. I have one which I will take to my grave which was meant to be a twisted love song for Angie's prep to go kill Hector.  Love and Hate are a hair away from each other, they require the same degree of commitment, so they are interesting to mix with mood in a film....for me anyway. 

At 7:30pm on December 18, 2015, ThatGirl said…

something led me from the 60's to the 70's and this was such an interesting little song that I remember as a kid...bahahahaaaa.. if only! 

Anything that I desire? that you desire? what a world would that be!

At 12:05pm on December 11, 2015, ThatGirl said…

At 8:47am on December 8, 2015, ThatGirl said…

Ah! THAT song was really nice. Just got back from another marathon car trip in search of a place to call new music from me, no time yet, but when i find something, i will certainly share.

At 9:10pm on November 30, 2015, lima said…


At 11:05am on November 20, 2015, ThatGirl said…

keep on keepin on

At 7:29pm on September 24, 2015, ae777ed said…

At 7:25pm on September 11, 2015, ThatGirl said…

there are some things which just canNot be known... I, for one, celebrate that in life... See, there's the "wonders of the universe" and then the "wonders of the interwebz". Both equally fascinating and out of reach for human beings..

At 5:51am on August 25, 2015, ae777ed said…

Look at those silly kids. .. That really grabs my goat.

At 5:46pm on August 3, 2015, ThatGirl said…

cute.....wish I could STill hoop!!! I got to a point and then just couldnt' get any further without a coach...always missing that extra person to help me through that stuff.!  

At 6:02pm on August 1, 2015, ae777ed said…

At 9:06pm on June 4, 2015, ae777ed said…

At 7:34pm on May 9, 2015, ThatGirl said…

Well, Happy Birthday to YOU..I hope you had a wonderful and peaceful day. Doing whatever makes you smile, can't be topped by any amount of money or privilege. no???

At 11:04am on March 27, 2015, ThatGirl said…

That was the Perfect song today. I have to make some music today and couldn't find the place in my head and heart to do it...then I clicked PLAY. 

Hope I can do that for you when you need it too. 

At 8:30am on March 27, 2015, ae777ed said…

At 1:19pm on March 21, 2015, ThatGirl said…

Thank you sweetness,  for the cheer this thirsty soul surely needed it.

paying it forward, I hope:

At 2:33pm on January 27, 2015, ThatGirl said…

Im calling it Throwback Tuesday..I know it's supposed to be Thursday but I dont have off on Thursday, so im throwin back NOW

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