I have absolutely NO subject for this blog at all whatsoever. There is no reason for me to be typing this at the moment as I have nothing to say, and likewise there is no reason for you to be here reading this blog which, as I stated earlier, has no subject to it at all.... None. Nein.... Nada.....
And yet I am still typing. Why do you think that is? Seems I just can't stop these ol' finners from tapping away at this keyboard.... Freaky....
Maybe it's a nervous reaction to posting on a new site? Sure, all the faces are familiar, but it's a different site nonetheless... Maybe I'm just bored and decided to fill my time by tapping mindlessly at this keyboard. That could be it as well.
I dunno. could be anything. They said that three planets aligned with the moon last week. Maybe this is some adverse reaction to interplanetary hoodoo.
I'm prolly just bored.
You still here?
Wanna sing showtunes?
Me neither....
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