The Ark

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MOTC's Comments

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At 11:14am on April 27, 2014, ThatGirl said…

"where is he? Where is MOTC? What have you done with him?"...garblabagargargar...

At 8:04pm on April 24, 2014, BlancheNoE said…

WOOHOO ! *faints*

At 3:06pm on March 15, 2014, ThatGirl said…

now....THAT's ma boi

At 11:04am on March 8, 2014, ThatGirl said…

Boss is sending a car for ya, tomorrah, 7AM. "fishing trip"

At 9:47am on February 13, 2014, ThatGirl said…

after all these years...i  could NOT stop laughing when i found the file....

At 3:17pm on September 27, 2013, ThatGirl said…

At 3:11pm on September 14, 2013, ThatGirl said…

'bout time a female cover was done...if only..... hello there!

At 2:56am on September 11, 2013, Mel Meeperson said…

At 2:41am on September 11, 2013, Mel Meeperson said…

At 11:21am on June 7, 2013, ThatGirl said…

I'm gonna go ahead and consider that a PSA. I thought of making a poster myself but I knew someone must have tackled this problem already. 

Just Say NO... To Cameltoe

and now I love LuLuLemon pants even MORE!

At 9:25pm on March 3, 2013, Mel Meeperson said…

Meeperson Beefcake, mother fucka.

At 4:10pm on February 28, 2013, ThatGirl said…

ahhh....YUP. I claim full exemption from blame. I can NEVER be said to have recommended it to anyone. 

At 12:23pm on February 28, 2013, ThatGirl said…

howz them peoples you live with?

At 8:39pm on February 6, 2013, ThatGirl said…

 you don't seem to understand. im not part of this SYSTEM...

Im an aDULT!

At 11:17am on February 1, 2013, ThatGirl said…

shut up you...why you make so much noise?

At 12:42pm on December 21, 2012, ThatGirl said…

Happy End Of Days...

um, right. so let's get on with it then.....

At 10:51am on October 5, 2012, Mel Meeperson said…

Top Banana!

At 10:26am on July 28, 2012, ThatGirl said…

..I also didn't Know the word "dial" had two syllables in it, but in NY, you know...different rules for EVERYthing. The word comfort dropped it's T when it heard that song.

At 12:59pm on July 22, 2012, ThatGirl said…

Nothing will likely ever top your mini-mall thing and THIS was the result of a challenge..but the commercial IS REAL and did get televised in NYC..that's how I found it.


for now: 777-7777

At 12:56pm on July 4, 2012, Mel Meeperson said…

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