The Ark

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Ray Remillard's Comments

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 12:46pm on December 21, 2012, ThatGirl said…

Happy End Of Days...

um, right. so let's get on with it then.....

At 1:04am on April 29, 2012, SydTheSkeptic said…

Hey Ray.  Do mean this one? ARK

At 1:30pm on March 4, 2012, SydTheSkeptic said…

Hey Ray.  What's your Vimeo username?

At 11:37am on February 9, 2012, ThatGirl said…

Nope. ya dont need to sign up, you can watch HERE or THERE without logging in. you have an account here? no need. BUTTTT if you are making videos, yes, my dear you DO need to sign up. It's painless and the place is FILLED with ubertalented, highly qualified gurus to admire ...imo

At 11:48am on February 6, 2010, Chig said…
Star Trek looks good on you.... Uh... I thought that was a compliment, but now I see that in writing. :-P
At 7:52pm on February 5, 2010, SydTheSkeptic said…
Ray- right back at'cha!
At 5:16am on July 4, 2009, LtAdams2247 said…
Sorry to hear, Man. I think the loss of the green screen is the lesser evil here. Hang in there. And then YOU'RE GONNA DIE! ;-)
At 5:33pm on June 14, 2009, LtAdams2247 said…
Originally I just wanted to say hi, but I have to speak up.
Good god, man! Go and get yourself some Nutella!
At 6:19am on January 6, 2009, KrisInteract said…
Thanks For Stopping by and watching the video Ray, Hope your New Year is starting out as a good one.
At 4:23pm on December 24, 2008, ferdz ines said…
At 2:54pm on December 16, 2008, SydTheSkeptic said…

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