The Ark

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BlancheNoE's Comments

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At 12:06pm on February 9, 2014, ThatGirl said…

I had never actually seen a picture of a baby squirrel until this morning. Thought you'd appreciate. Oh and hope you, Mike and Pen are doing great together.

At 12:12pm on January 7, 2014, ThatGirl said…

At 7:56pm on January 3, 2014, LtAdams2247 said…

So here you are to pass the time. WiFi doesn't work, traditional method required.

At 7:21pm on October 20, 2013, ThatGirl said…

Season's Greetings...My favorite dark holiday is coming very very soon. hope u enjoy it too

At 10:43pm on October 12, 2013, TonyBR said…

Hi Blanche! Just embarked, but didn´t find the paddle yet! :) And a few more days to discover how to set the sails! :) Salute! Tony

At 12:01pm on October 12, 2013, Gabriel Feld said…


At 4:10pm on October 9, 2013, ThatGirl said…

just saw this and had to pass it to you

At 10:57am on October 6, 2013, ThatGirl said…

PS - I realize you actually have two birthdays, so Here's to celebrating the first one and in appreciation of the second.

At 9:44am on October 6, 2013, ThatGirl said…

Happy Birthday Hippie Chick

At 10:06pm on October 2, 2013, Dana (scribblers sanctuary) said…

Hiya! How's YOU?

At 9:44am on September 27, 2013, ThatGirl said…

Health Women's Cleaning Soft Tongue Brush for Oral Care Pink..Por Vous - perhaps you should consider going a little easier there...(didn't want to comment on the vid and give anything away)

At 6:21pm on September 19, 2013, Geoff said…

At 9:12am on September 1, 2013, Chig said…

At 9:13pm on August 3, 2013, Chig said…

What happened to Sawyer after he stepped into the light:

At 3:02pm on June 14, 2013, ThatGirl said…

It's the Weekend.. Get Ur Freak On. i'mma go find MINE...I feel the same as I do after i KNOW i aced a final or I just birthed a HUGE BABY! Dunno how you feel about funkamatic bootyshakinsorta mainstream girlrap but I'm shakin it to this RIGHT NOW

I'm gonna imagine you dancing it up in your rubber boots and shakin dat azz..its FRIDAY girlfriend, mwah. thank you for watching and understanding. I wish we could go OUT on a friday night and just make trouble!!!! damnit  

At 11:33am on May 26, 2013, ThatGirl said…

oh, and I have been thinkin of ya, and Mike.

At 2:39am on April 26, 2013, AnnelidaFilms gave BlancheNoE a gift
A classic for a Classic.
At 6:35pm on April 23, 2013, ThatGirl said…

Just a suggestion for a SciFi fan....

if you have time when you're done toiling the week far it's been very good and if you're a gamer, there's a game too , apparently.

At 8:10pm on April 13, 2013, polowhatever said…

I'm sitting here cracking up while trying to figure out what got smacked there... lol. High five?

At 8:12pm on January 4, 2013, LtAdams2247 said…

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