The Ark

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Rockabye Baby- clean bandit

(he came in got me in the hall, got on his phone selecting music, turned it on loud and danced with me in the hall, squeezing so hard with that MAGICAL HUG). I found this song, sent it to him at a very important time, and we both cried
couldnt we have to be serious.

about time we stopped crying... both of Us. The push and pull of mama fighting against forces taking my baby down, fighting the same way as alaways,, wasn't understood until the dust settled and the black cloud was blown away.
It pulled us apart, and He swam Back... He understands.

.. . I love my boy and so afraid to lose him. Every moment counts. Every single one. O

I cant wrap him up, strap him in and protect him anymore. He is trying to navigate his way through to clarity all by himself now.

.. i just wish he would transfer and let me pick up some of the burden. Hes suffering and struggling to keep up, get ahead, make up for losses and heal at the same time. No one knows this dance like me. He Wants to prove he can Do it All. This may be the only way he truly heals by knowing HE did it on his own... i love my boy

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